API Documentation

ADCaaS - Load Balancing

Quick Start Video: How to configure Cloud Load Balancing

Watch this video to learn how to quickly configure Cloud Load Balancing in 5 minutes. Note: If you prefer to read the manual, you can do that here: Networking Manual

What HTTP response codes do you support for monitoring server availability?

We support the following list of response codes which can be used individually or together to determine the state of a server. 100 – Continue 101 – Switching Protocols 200 – OK 201 – Created 202 – Accepted 203 – Authoritative Information 204 – No Content 205 – Reset Content 206 – Partial Content 300 […]

Can I use DNS Failover to monitor the same server behind two different ISP’s addresses?

Yes, absolutely. This is a very common use for our DNS Failover service. While some customers use it to switch between servers at different datacenters, it works very well to switch between the same server that has two different public IP addresses at the same location or datacenter (e.g. two ISPs, two WAN connections etc.) DNS […]

Can I use the HTTP monitor to check a specific page on my site?

Yes, absolutely. When creating an HTTP monitor, you can go to the SPECIAL PARAMETERS tab and adjust the HTTP Request value to look for your special page. By default the HTTP Request value is “HEAD /”. If, for example, you wanted to test the page at http://www.mydomain.com/test.php, you would change the value in the HTTP Request […]

How can I reliably monitor my database server to see if it is online, or in the case of a replicated database, if it is the primary or not?

The recommended way to monitor any type of database, including Microsoft SQL Server, is to create a hidden web-page in IIS, Apache or whatever you’re using, that does a specific database query, and when successfully completed, sends a word (e.g. “OK”) to the web browser. This method is secure because you need not open SQL […]

How do I create an Alert List to notify me when a server is up or down?

Our DNS Failover monitoring and Cloud Networking solutions (e.g. Load Balancing, firewall) have the ability to send email alerts when devices go up or down. In order to create an alert list and assign it to your failover pool, follow these steps: Go to the ACCOUNT link in the upper-right corner of the management portal. […]

How often can I configure a monitor to test my server, and what parameters are available for testing and determining if it is down?

You can configure any monitor to test your server(s) as often as once per minute (the test “Interval”).  Additionally, you can configure these parameters: Response Time-out (in seconds) – This is how long the monitor will wait for a particular test to come back positive or negative. Down Time (in seconds) – This is a […]

Where do I get an IP address so I can publish my ALF Pack?

You can obtain IPv4 and IPv6 addresses by going to the ACCOUNT section in the upper-right corner of the portal, and then selecting the IP ADDRESSES tab. From there you can choose one or more available IP addresses to add to your account for use when publishing an ALF Pack (configuration). IP Addresses are available […]

A comprehensive guide to using device weights in the load balancer

The device “weight” select menu shown at the far right of your server or device within a Server Group allows you to adjust how traffic is distributed by the load balancer when you have two or more devices in a configuration. In essence, the higher the number, the heavier the weight, and the more traffic […]

Getting the original client IP with X-Forwarded-For in your code

If you’re like many of our clients, you not only want to retrieve the original client IP for your web server logs, but you want to use them in code as well… for example, to track invalid login attempts, or record the IP in a database for online payments etc. (NOTE: If you need the […]