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Search for a Role

If you find yourself with many roles and are challenged with locating a specific role to view, you can find it by using the “Search” button.

Select the FIELD you’d like to search in the first box, HOW to search in the second box and enter the string you’d like to search FOR in the third box.

search role


(Note: The “Description” field may not be filled out for all roles.  So searching by “Role” or “Company” will yield more consistent results)


search field

To make use of the Search function, select the field you’d like to search in the first drop-down menu.  You can choose to search by:


Role: Search by Role name.

Description: Search by Role Description.

Company: Search by Company Name.

role contains

The second drop-down menu specifies HOW you’d like your search parameter to apply to the field you selected in the first menu.  Your choices are:


Contains: The search field Contains the string of characters provided.

Equal: The search field Contains Only the string of characters provided.

Not Equal: The search field Does Not Contain the string of characters provided.

Begins with: The search field Begins with the string of characters provided.

Ends with: The search field Ends with the string of characters provided.

  In the third box, enter the string you’d like to search FOR.