We radically increase application availability,
performance, security and cloud integration.

Total Uptime eliminates the complexity of integrating, securing and managing today’s multi-cloud network. Our customers can proactively monitor and manage application availability, security, performance and automate network corrections to ensure continuous delivery of critical applications in real time.

Whether your IT infrastructure is on-premise, in a private cloud, public cloud, or a hybrid, there are significant challenges and costs associated with meeting internal and external customer demands for availability. Even the biggest public cloud providers suffer from frequent outages. We give our customers the tools to mitigate them quickly and easily.

Many customers say that we’re the company they wish they found several years ago. Generally, once you share your challenges, we can understand them and demonstrate our capabilities and our value proposition becomes pretty clear.

Who makes up the talent at Total Uptime?

  • We’re a global team of network engineers, software developers and other IT veterans
  • We have decades of hands-on experience in data center operations, network design and DevOps
  • We’re all passionate about uptime. (No joke: it’s all we do day and night, and we love it)
  • We truly enjoy solving network challenges with creative solutions

If you think these statements are just ‘marketing hype’, see what our customers have to say : )

Prior to our official launch in 2011, our founders began building a real and distributed cloud platform with sophisticated network monitoring and routing tools that smoothly controlled enterprise hardware at numerous distributed data centers. Our competitors were busy renaming their legacy infrastructure and virtualization ideas as “cloud” to take advantage of the hype at the time. That’s why we call our platform a “true cloud” platform.

Today our true cloud platform spans the globe, serves major brands and Fortune 500 corporations, and delivers the unique ability to seamlessly route internet traffic from one site to another when you need it to — mitigating cloud and network outages quickly and easily.

Our platform is built on the best SOC 2 Type 2 and CSAE 3416 data centers in the world and boasts an impressive line-up of network and transit provider redundancy. Total Uptime is also SOC 2 Type 2 audited for security, availability and confidentiality.