This method retrieves all of the devices (servers) for your company. It will also list all of the monitors and ports attached to each server, if applicable.
Field | Sample data |
An integer for number of items you would like returned in this response. E.g. {20} |
pageno={page} | An integer for the page number (only applicable if the perpage is used). E.g. {1} |
sortField={value} | The field you wish to sort by. E.g. {domainName}, {domainType} |
sortOrder={value} | The sort direction. E.g. {asc} or {desc} |
searchField={value} | The field you wish to search for. E.g. {domainName} |
searchString={value} | The value you wish to search for. E.G. in the case of the search field being {domainName} this could be {} (we recommend you url encode the search string. E.g. spaces must be %20 ) |
searchOper={value} | This is a 2 letter code to specify how to use the search string: bw = begins with cn = contains ew = ends with eq = equal to ne = not equal to |