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Home > Total Uptime APIv2.0 Overview > Firewall > Access Control List (ACL) > Create a new Access Control Group Entry

Create a new Access Control Group Entry

Method:              POST
URI:                      ALF/Firewall/AccessControl/{IPType}/{ACLID}

This method will create a new Access Control Group Entry (allow/deny rule) within the specified Access Control Group ID specified.

The {IPType} is either “IPv4” or “IPv6”
The {ACLID} is the ID of the group which can be retrieved by obtaining the entire list of Access Control Groups

Parameter Data Type
Comment “string”
Enabled “true” or “false” – “true” enables this rule and “false” disables this rule
Action “true” or “false” – “true” makes this entry an ALLOW rule and “false” makes this entry a DENY rule
Protocol “ALL”, “TCP”, “UDP” or “ICMP”
SourceIPOperation “true” or “false” – Do not send this value to include all source IPs. true = “equal” or a positive match, and false = “does not equal” or a negative match
SourceIPHigh “ip address” e.g.
SourceIPLow “ip address” e.g.
SourcePortOperation “true” or “false” – Do not send this value to match all source ports. true = “equal” or a positive match, and false = “does not equal” or a negative match
SourcePortLow “integer” e.g. “443” do not send this value if you wish to the rule to consider all ports, which is desirable when blocking an entire IP
SourcePortHigh “integer” e.g. “445” do not send this value or SourcePortLow if you wish to the rule to consider all ports
DestinationPortOperation “true” or “false” – Do not send this value to match all destination ports. true = “equal” or a positive match, and false = “does not equal” or a negative match
DestinationPortLow “integer” e.g. “443” do not send this value if you wish to the rule to consider all ports
DestinationPortHigh “integer” e.g. “445” do not send this value if you wish to the rule to consider all ports
ICMPMessageCode “integer” e.g. 0, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 – If Protocol is ICMP, this value is required
ICMPMessageType “integer” e.g. 0 through 15 – If Protocol is ICMP, this value is required
CompanyID “GUID” – optional, but required if reseller mode is enabled

Sample CURL for creating a new entry in ACL Group ddec85b0-759d-4ab0-a326-46e3b3b450bb to simply block an IP of 

curl -u username:password -X POST -H “Accept: application/json” “ALF/Firewall/AccessControl/IPv4/ddec85b0-759d-4ab0-a326-46e3b3b450bb”
The JSON in the body required would be:

“Comment”: “Deny all from”,
“Enabled”: true,
“Protocol”: “ALL”,
“SourceIPOperation”: “True”,
“SourceIPHigh”: “”,
“SourceIPLow”: “”

The response would say success or failure, and if success you will see an AccessControlID value which you may want to save for easy updating or removal later.