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Add a Record to an Existing Domain

Method:              POST
URI:                     /CloudDNS/Domain/{domainID}/{recordType}

This method adds a record to an existing domain. It requires the following information to be posted in order to successfully create the record:

For ‘A’ Records

URI {recordType} value: “ARecord”

Field Sample data
“www” – this is the host name excluding the domain
aIPAddress “” – this is an IPv4 address
aTTL “3600” – This is the number of seconds from 60 and above
aALFPacId (optional) “” – Empty quotes unless you provide an ID
aGeoZoneId (optional) “” – Empty quotes unless you provide an ID
aFailoverId (optional) “”– Empty quotes unless you provide an ID

For ‘AAAA’ Records

URI {recordType} value: “AAAARecord”

Field Sample data
“www” – this is the host name excluding the domain
aaaaIPAddress “1::1” – this is an IPv6 address
aaaaTTL “3600” – This is the number of seconds from 60 and above
aaaaALFPacId (optional) “” – Empty quotes unless you provide an ID
aaaaGeoZoneId (optional) “” – Empty quotes unless you provide an ID
aaaaFailoverId (optional) “”– Empty quotes unless you provide an ID

For ‘MX’ Records

URI {recordType} value: “MXRecord”

Field Sample data
“@” – this is the host name excluding the domain
mxPreference “10” – this is an integer
mxMailServer “mail.example.com” – This is a FQDN
mxTTL “3600” – This is the number of seconds from 60 and above

For ‘CNAME’ Records

URI {recordType} value: “CNAMERecord”

Field Sample data
“www” – this is the host name excluding the domain
cnameAliasFor “url.example.com” – this is a FQDN
cnameTTL “3600” – This is the number of seconds from 60 and above

For ‘TXT’ Records

URI {recordType} value: “TXTRecord”

Field Sample data
“@” – this is the host name excluding the domain
txtText “v=spf1 include:outlook.com ip4: ~all”
txtTTL “3600” – This is the number of seconds from 60 and above

For ‘NS’ Records

URI {recordType} value: “NSRecord”

Field Sample data
“@” – this is the host name excluding the domain
nsName “ns1.mynameserver.com”
nsTTL “3600” – This is the number of seconds from 60 and above

For ‘PTR’ Records

URI {recordType} value: “PTRRecord”

Field Sample data
ptrDomainName “my-reverse-ip-name.example.com”
ptrTTL “3600” – This is the number of seconds from 60 and above

For ‘Web Redirect’ Records

URI {recordType} value: “WebRedirectRecord”

Field Sample data
“@” – this is the host name excluding the domain
Dest “http://www.google.com”
CarryPath “Yes” or “No”
RedirectType “301” or “302”

Sample CURL for adding an A record

curl -u username:password -X POST -H “Accept: application/json” “https://api.totaluptime.com/CloudDNS/Domain/{DomainID}/ARecord” -d “{\”aHostName\”:\”www\”,\”aIPAddress\”:\”\”,\”aTTL\”:\”60\”}”

Sample CURL for adding a CNAME record

curl -u username:password -X POST -H “Accept: application/json” “https://api.totaluptime.com/CloudDNS/Domain/{DomainID}/CNAMERecord” -d “{\”cnameAliasFor\”:\”test.example.com\”,\”cnameName\”:\”www\”,\”cnameTTL\”:\”60\”}”

Sample CURL for adding a TXT record

curl -u username:password -X POST -H “Accept: application/json” “https://api.totaluptime.com/CloudDNS/Domain/{DomainID}/TXTRecord” -d “{\”txtHostName\”:\”_acme_test\”,\”txtText\”:\”test-text-content\”,\”txtTTL\”:\”3600\”}”

All record types are supported in the API, we just have not articulated them here yet. Try guessing based on what you see in the UI and above data, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.