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Retrieve Port Map Groups Within a Pack

Method:              GET
URI:                       /ALF/ServerGroup/Pac/{ALFPacId}/All

This method retrieves all port map groups from within a pack. By default, when a new pack is created, a “First Port Map Group” is created. In order to place devices within this group, you will need to know the ID assigned to it. All devices placed within this group are considered “active”. If you wish to add more than one server to the port map group, a load balancer profile must be created and attached to the pack.

The {options} allow you to refine the results retrieved from the API. They must be formatted as a query string, e.g. if you use more than one, the 2nd one onwards should be preceded by an ampersand “&” character. The options include:

Parameter Description

An integer for number of items you would like returned in this response. E.g. {20}
pageno={page} An integer for the page number (only applicable if the perpage is used). E.g. {1}
sortField={value} The field you wish to sort by. E.g. {domainName}, {domainType}
sortOrder={value} The sort direction. E.g. {asc} or {desc}
searchField={value} The field you wish to search for. E.g. {domainName}
searchString={value} The value you wish to search for. E.G. in the case of the search field being {domainName} this could be {example.com} (we recommend you url encode the search string. E.g. spaces must be %20 )
searchOper={value} This is a 2 letter code to specify how to use the search string:
bw = begins with
cn = contains
ew = ends with
eq = equal to
ne = not equal to


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