Guess What? The Cloud Isn’t Perfect

A Mass Migration is Happening A few years ago, Gartner predicted that more than $1 trillion in IT spending would be directly impacted by the shift to cloud and that 25% of all software spending would shift to the cloud.  They stated that by 2020, a corporate “no-cloud” policy will be as rare as a […]

What is an Application Delivery Network?

Today’s networks are focused on results. It’s not enough to have active connections with no errors. Customers expect that IT management teams do their best to deliver the applications that are essential to the success of the enterprise. The goal is complete service assurance. The environment in which these efforts at faultless application delivery take […]

Creating a Maintenance Page for Site Uptime

There are times when your website must be taken down for routine maintenance or, in the event of a catastrophic failure of all your servers, must be restored from backup. In either event, a maintenance page is necessary to inform your customers of the reason the site is down and when you expect it to […]

Network Availability is the Name of the Game

Your network is everything. At least it seems that way. You can offer the most wonderful services in the world, but if your customer can’t access them, you’re dead in the water. Let’s face it. Most businesses suffer when the internet goes down, or when critical network services are not available. You’ve probably experienced the […]

What is an Application Delivery Controller?

Just when you think you have a good handle on the key technologies on the market, they come up with something new. If you’ve been told that you need to look at putting in an application delivery controller (ADC), read on. Glorified Load Balancer? To get to the heart of the matter, we need to […]

Controlling Your Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure

Abstract The only constant in information technology is change. Technical pioneers continue to come up with new ways of doing things. The latest developments in IT infrastructure, as demonstrated in industry studies, include an increased adoption of hybrid cloud computing. With that trend comes a greater need to find ways to control a widely distributed […]

Is Tier IV Certification Worth It?

In a previous article about Uptime Institute, we talked about the different types of certification a company can obtain. Achieving tier certification from Uptime Institute can cost a lot of time and money, but it can be pretty important. According to Colocation America Corporation, “If you’re in the data center business and not familiar with […]

Major CenturyLink Network Outage to Close 2018

We end the year with a major CenturyLink outage that started early Thursday morning for many and spread across the country, according to reports on Reddit, GeekWire and Newsweek affecting Internet, 911 services and other internet-dependent services like waves and VoIP. The outage also affected other providers who lease long haul connectivity from them, such […]

Market Surveys from Disaster Recovery Journal and Forrester

“I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.” Winston Churchill said a lot of things, but despite the rumors, fact checkers don’t believe he really originated this saying. It is actually a common joke in the German language that the Nazi propagandist Goebbels misattributed to the British leader. Another false quote did not really […]

What You Should Know About APIs

We all know how a computer user interface (UI) works — at least in general terms. Humans interact with digital machines using input devices, and we watch everything real-time on computer monitors. When we think of user input, we usually think of Input devices like a mouse, keyboard, touchscreen, trackball, or pointing stick. But we […]