New feature: DNS Change Alerting

DNS Security starts with knowledge We recently released a new feature that will help DNS admins stay in the know. It helps by actively monitoring your DNS zone within the Total Uptime DNS platform and alerts you every time a change is made. For organizations with mission critical DNS, knowing when anyone has made a […]

How Does DNS Failover Work?

Total Uptime’s DNS Failover automation is a powerful way of increasing availability for any type of web-based service or application that is accessible via multiple IP addresses. Some examples include: An application behind two or more different ISP links Two or more servers at the same or different sites Two or more cloud or hosting […]

Top 6 Tools for DNS Troubleshooting

Looking for a handy online DNS Tool, try ours here! Troubleshooting never ends. Problems in network computing can happen at many different levels. One technology that every internet user depends on is DNS, which stands for domain name system. A domain name is an alphanumeric designation for an IP address. DNS servers are the databases […]

Making a Case for Cloud and its Disruptive Benefits

In the 1970s, a new technology known as the internet was born in the engineering laboratory of one of the United States’ most famous schools and like most disruptive technologies, its birth was greeted with derision by many in the IT community. Known then as ARPANET which birthed the internet, a columnist for a prominent […]

Enterprise DNS – Is it really that important?

Quick, name the most important server in your network – Web server? Active Directory server? Mail server?   Those are all important no doubt, but your DNS servers are probably the most critical to your network operations.  Imagine you were traveling within a foreign country you had never visited before and the area was totally […]

What is DNS Tunneling?

DNS tunneling is a misuse of DNS. Domain Name Servers (DNS) have been called the internet’s equivalent of a phone book. Rather than remembering an IP address with up to twelve digits, you just need to know the domain name associated with the IP address. DNS tunneling attempts to hijack the protocol to use it […]

Primary DNS or Secondary DNS?

A frequently asked question at Total Uptime is whether to use our cloud DNS platform for Primary DNS or Secondary DNS. Prior to answering that question, we should probably first define the difference between the two, and then the benefits of choosing to use Total Uptime for one over the other. Primary DNS is generally the DNS server […]

Our Cloud is Different Than Yours

A day doesn’t go by where we are yet again annoyed with how flippant organizations are in using the word “cloud” for what appears to be a marketing hype. Take Western Digital and their My Cloud product for which I have seen many TV commercials as of late. It is simply a personal cloud storage device. What’s […]

The Top 5 Things to Look for in a DNS Service Provider

At Total Uptime, we’re often asked how we compare to other DNS service providers. Since every business has a different set of requirements, we thought we’d compile a list of the top 5 reasons some of our customers have chosen Total Uptime Cloud DNS vs. other solution providers who may also offer DNS services. Evaluate these items […]

5 Things We Do That AWS Route 53 Does Not

Total Uptime’s DNS Service along with our DNS Failover solution are often compared to Amazon Route 53, and for good reason. Organizations are increasingly looking for a reliable DNS provider in light of frequent outages at various Domain Registrars like Network Solutions. IT experts understand that because DNS is the first link in the chain, it must be the […]