What are the key differences between DNS FAILOVER and CLOUD FAILOVER so I can better understand which one is right for my application?

The similarities Both solutions require that you tell us what the IP address(es) are for your ‘real servers’. That way we know how to alter DNS or route traffic when one or more servers go up or down.  These IP addresses must be publicly accessible, not private. Also, both solutions use the same type of […]

How DNS Failover Works – an Infographic

Want to quickly understand how DNS Failover works? We’ve created an infographic that explains it in a few simple steps… plus a detailed look at our user interface. (Click on the image to enlarge it, and then click to expand it.)  

Failover Design: DNS Failover vs. Cloud Failover

When implementing a failover solution, the most common questions we receive are: How can we architect a failover solution for our application? How quickly can we failover from the primary site to the secondary site? How quickly can it fail back when the primary comes back online? Is there a way to prevent automatic failback […]

A DNS Failover Service – Is it right for you?

Over the years, DNS Failover has become a very popular service primarily due to the fact that it is relatively inexpensive and fairly easy to deploy and manage. But is it the right solution for your organization? In this article, we’ll outline what DNS failover is and provide an overview of the benefits and appropriate uses for […]