Device Status Tab

Not interested in reading the manual? We cover the essentials in a video at the bottom of this page! The Server Status tab displays a history of UP and DOWN status events for devices that are part of DNS Failover Pool and/or are used in Networking (e.g. Cloud Load Balancing, Firewall, etc.) Every time a […]

Version 3.6 of our Cloud Platform released

Today we released another update to our cloud platform. Our March update includes a significant improvement to SSL including support for TLS 1.2 on the back-end network.  In the coming months we will slowly phase out SSLv3 support due to known vulnerabilities. We’ve already been working with clients who require SSLv3 support for legacy applications, […]

Cloud Platform Release v23.2.0

Today we released three notable updates that more customers have requested recently, so we’ve expedited their development and release. Below are the details of these exciting enhancements. IP-to-Country Classification: Since the exhaustion of IPv4 Addresses several years ago, IP address blocks have been changing hands at an increasing rate. Not only have they been moving […]

Cloud Platform Release v22.12.0

Today we released cloud platform version 22.12.0 which includes a number of bug fixes and feature improvements. Below is a list of the most notable changes you will find in this release. DNS Reporting: We significantly improved the DNS Reporting UI as well as back-end systems that generate statistical data. The UI now generates data […]

Cloud Platform Release v21.11.1

Over the last couple of months we’ve been working hard to bring new features and improvements to the cloud platform. Version 21.11.1 was released today. Below is a list of the most notable changes and bug fixes included in this release. DNS Importing: We continue to improve the DNS importing process to recognize different zone […]

Cloud Platform Release v21.6.0

Our star developers spent the last couple months working hard to knock out a couple annoying bugs and adding new features. This is a fairly significant platform update that also improves platform reliability and stability too. We hope you like it! New Webhook Feature: We added an often requested feature called HTTP Webhooks that allows […]

Can you host a .gov domain?

Yes! Total Uptime does provide secure DNS hosting for Federal, State, Municipal and other Government agencies. We fully support the .gov TLD (top level domain) and offer DNSSEC and 2FA security to meet government security requirements with ease. To learn more about our service, you can visit our Government DNS Service page where you will […]

Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB)

What is it? And how can you implement it? SHORTCUT: If you just want to get to the part about configuring GSLB in the Total Uptime panel, skip to it here! Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) or GEO Load Balancing is in hot demand, perhaps now more than ever before. Placing content as close as […]

Cloud Platform Release v19.12.0

Today we’re excited to announce minor version release v19.12.0 which includes a few bug fixes and enhancements. This is our last update of the year due to an additional freeze period for the upcoming holiday season. Here is a rundown of the changes you will see. New Configuration Builder: After many months of development, we’re […]

Cloud Platform Release v19.6.0

Today we released minor version 19.6.0 of our cloud platform. This release includes a few bug fixes, back-end improvements plus a couple new features and enhancements: DNS Failover: We enhanced A and AAAA records to now show (in a slightly greyed-out text) the IP address(es) that the Failover service is giving out in DNS. Previously […]