8 uses for Cloud Load Balancing or Failover

As we talk to people during the week, we periodically make suggestions for using Cloud Load Balancing or Failover that are often met with surprise, such as “Oh, I didn’t know it could be used for that”. So we thought it might be helpful to compile a list of 8 potential uses. Of course, it […]

Version 3.4 of our Cloud Platform released

Version 3.4 of our Cloud Platform was released on March 16, 2014. It includes a significant number of new features and enhancements as well as bug fixes. Below is a complete rundown of the changes you’ll see today. New General System/Account Features: Password Reset: Previously, if a user forgot their password and did not have a […]

Moving DNS zones from another DNS provider to Total Uptime

DNS domains (called “zones”) can be moved from any platform to Total Uptime’s DNS platform easily and without impact to end users. In this article, we will outline the steps required to ensure a smooth, zero-impact migration. There are 4 simple steps… Here are the steps required to migrate zones from your current DNS provider/infrastructure to ours. […]

The importance of an audit trail – tracking DNS changes

In our most recent cloud platform update, we added a new feature that gives our customers an audit trail of every DNS change that has been made. We’ve appropriately called it the “Change Log”. This long-anticipated feature can be found in its own tab in the Account section of the management interface. What the change […]

Version 3.3 of our Cloud Platform released

Version 3.3 of our Cloud Platform was released on September 22. While many months have flown by, we’ve packed this one full of several new features that many have been waiting for, as well as fixes to all of the known bugs up until September 15th. Here are the new features we’ve included in this […]

A Primer on the Domain Name System (DNS)

In the early days of the Internet, humans and other computers located the few massive interconnected computers the same way: by their numeric Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Soon, the impracticality of memorizing all these numbers became obvious and a rudimentary naming scheme was developed. A central repository of names and their associated IP addresses was […]

Top External Monitoring Tools in 2020

What is external monitoring? In a general sense, it means regularly checking on something to find out what is happening. It’s a way to gather information. In a large network, it means observing and recording data from a wide variety of devices and applications. We should clarify that monitoring and management are not the same […]

Import/Export Tab

Not interested in reading the manual? We cover the essentials in a video at the bottom of this page! The Import / Export tab within Cloud DNS allows you to easily bulk-add new domains to the platform, as well as export domains (currently one-by-one) in a traditional text file format for easy backup or for […]

Domains Tab

Not interested in reading the manual? We cover the essentials in a video at the bottom of this page! Customers who subscribe to the Cloud DNS service will see the Cloud DNS main tab and this domains sub-tab. There are four main sections as shown above: 1. Main Toolbar The main toolbar is used to […]

What is DNS Tunneling?

DNS tunneling is a misuse of DNS. Domain Name Servers (DNS) have been called the internet’s equivalent of a phone book. Rather than remembering an IP address with up to twelve digits, you just need to know the domain name associated with the IP address. DNS tunneling attempts to hijack the protocol to use it […]