Internet Outages Today?

If you heard or felt Internet outages today, it wasn’t just you. It seems many end-users were filing complaints on for a vast number of unrelated ISPs. From our global vantage point, we could see that the Internet of things was acting strange. There may have been a number of small unrelated events that contributed to […]

Do you support a 2048 bit (or higher) Domain Key (DKIM)?

More and more organizations are moving from the shorter 384, 512 and 768-bit keys up to 1024 and higher in order to protect against spoofing because the smaller keys are easier to crack. Our DNS system intuitively supports a 2048-bit key and larger. Simply paste it into the TXT record and hit save. Our back-end […]

Version 3.4 of our Cloud Platform released

Version 3.4 of our Cloud Platform was released on March 16, 2014. It includes a significant number of new features and enhancements as well as bug fixes. Below is a complete rundown of the changes you’ll see today. New General System/Account Features: Password Reset: Previously, if a user forgot their password and did not have a […]

Moving DNS zones from another DNS provider to Total Uptime

DNS domains (called “zones”) can be moved from any platform to Total Uptime’s DNS platform easily and without impact to end users. In this article, we will outline the steps required to ensure a smooth, zero-impact migration. There are 4 simple steps… Here are the steps required to migrate zones from your current DNS provider/infrastructure to ours. […]

SPF Records – creating and testing

As a DNS service provider, we frequently receive requests from customers who need assistance with understanding and creating SPF records. This short article outlines a few helpful steps that will hopefully make life easier for some. First, what is an SPF record anyway? Well, Wikipedia sums it up nicely: SPF (Sender Policy Framework) is an email […]

Version 3.3 of our Cloud Platform released

Version 3.3 of our Cloud Platform was released on September 22. While many months have flown by, we’ve packed this one full of several new features that many have been waiting for, as well as fixes to all of the known bugs up until September 15th. Here are the new features we’ve included in this […]

Round Robin DNS Load Balancing

Round Robin DNS is a fast, simple and cost effective way to load balance or distribute traffic evenly over multiple servers or devices. Total Uptime Cloud DNS fully supports round robin DNS on all record types except CNAME. DNS allows you to create multiple records with the same host name but a different destination. By doing so, […]

Version 3.2 of our Cloud Platform released

Version 3.2 of our Cloud Platform was released today. It has been many months since we’ve released a number of changes, but these are significant and not only include a list of bugs but a number of new features as well. Here is a list of the most significant updates you’ll see: SOA RECORD: When creating […]

AWS Route 53 DNS… How does it compare?

DNS is the critical first link in a Website’s ability to load quickly for its users. Cloud solutions don’t mean much if your DNS system isn’t giving you great performance and the level of granulized control you need. High performance and granular control have always been focal points for our business here, and the existing demand […]