Domains Tab

Not interested in reading the manual? We cover the essentials in a video at the bottom of this page! Customers who subscribe to the Cloud DNS service will see the Cloud DNS main tab and this domains sub-tab. There are four main sections as shown above: 1. Main Toolbar The main toolbar is used to […]

Add a Record to an Existing Domain

Method:              POST URI:                     /CloudDNS/Domain/{domainID}/{recordType} This method adds a record to an existing domain. It requires the following information to be posted in order to successfully create the record: For ‘A’ Records URI {recordType} value: “ARecord” Field Sample data aHostName “www” […]

Minimize risk. Maximize availability.

Businesses take risks. It comes with the territory. But that doesn’t mean that an enterprise should push blindly forward, ignoring the potential threats to availability and ultimately its success. Risk assessment is essential to understanding the territory and blazing the trail ahead. And risk mitigation is the key to controlling those factors that endanger IT […]

Is the TCP/IP Protocol on the way out?

“I am looking for implementations of TCP/IP for UNIX systems, including an interface for an IMP.” That was the start of the TCP/IP Digest on the ARPANET UNIX-Wizards mailing list on October 2, 1981. Mike Muuss was the researcher who got the conversation started. And look how far we have come since then. The Birth of the […]

Prevent X-Forwarded-For Spoofing or Manipulation

When using an inline proxy like our ADC-as-a-Service or Web Application and API Protection service, you’ll often want to know the original client IP address for security, to track in your logs for stats or for other reasons. In our KB article entitled Getting the original client IP with X-Forwarded-For in your code, we’ve already discussed […]

What is DNS Tunneling?

DNS tunneling is a misuse of DNS. Domain Name Servers (DNS) have been called the internet’s equivalent of a phone book. Rather than remembering an IP address with up to twelve digits, you just need to know the domain name associated with the IP address. DNS tunneling attempts to hijack the protocol to use it […]

Version 3.7 of our Cloud Platform released

Today we released another update to our cloud platform. Our latest update includes additional SSL enhancements as well as back-end improvements to the way we monitor customer devices and route traffic around congestion on the Internet. Here are the most notable changes and bug fixes in this version:   General System/Account Changes: User Primary Email: We […]

Version 3.5 of our Cloud Platform released

Today we released a significant update to our cloud platform which includes numerous improvements to our user interface and API. This first 2016 release includes a number of new features as well as enhancements that will provide better UI feedback and responsiveness we know will make it simpler and easier for customers to deploy advanced […]

How do I create a DKIM (Domain Key) record?

Yahoo originally created Domain Keys as an authentication and validation technique for email using a PGP-like protocol. The original specification has since been improved to DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) by the community and a series of IETF standards resulted in RFC 6376. DKIM makes it very easy for a mail server to validate whether an […]