How can I link my SSL cert to an Intermediate chain?

We don’t support uploading certificate chains, Intermediate certificates or Root certificates to avoid duplication and save space on our load balancers. But we do have most of the common Intermediate chains already in our repository for your use. You can link/chain your existing SSL certificate to one of these Intermediates to ensure they are trusted […]

Do you support SAN (Subject Alternative Name) extension SSL Certificates?

Yes, we absolutely do, and always have. Before we supported SNI, we recommended that clients with multiple domains on a single IP address use a SAN (Subject Alternative Name) extension certificate. To use one of these, simply attach it as a standard SSL certificate (that is, do not check the SNI box when attaching it). […]

Do you support SNI (Server Name Indication) SSL Certificates?

Yes, we sure do. This fairly recent extension of the TLS protocol allows you to indicate which hostname is being contacted by the browser at the beginning of the handshake process. This allows a server to connect multiple SSL Certificates to one IP address and load the correct site or application for the user. Previously […]

Do you support FREE SSL Certificates from Let’s Encrypt?

Yes, absolutely. There are no issues using their SSL certificates on our platform for Load Balancing or the Web Application Firewall. In fact, we already have the Let’s Encrypt Authority Intermediate certificate loaded into our repository and ready for your use.  You can upload certificates manually through our UI, or you can automate/script the entire […]

I want to install the SSL certificate on the Load Balancer and use the SSL protocol, but I don’t want SSL Offload. I want it to remain entirely encrypted between my client and my server. Is this possible?

Yes, this is absolutely possible, and recommended! To accomplish this, you will need to configure the “protocol” as SSL and map it also to SSL on your servers (both probably on port 443). This ensures SSL is maintained between the client and your servers, while still allowing you to take advantage of our SSL acceleration, […]

Cloud Platform Release v22.12.0

Today we released cloud platform version 22.12.0 which includes a number of bug fixes and feature improvements. Below is a list of the most notable changes you will find in this release. DNS Reporting: We significantly improved the DNS Reporting UI as well as back-end systems that generate statistical data. The UI now generates data […]

Cloud Platform Release v21.9.0

Our team spent the summer working on a number of significant improvements to our cloud platform to make it more intuitive and easier to use every day. Below is a summary of what we released today. DNSSEC: We’ve further automated DNSSEC signing. You can easily choose the DNSSEC parameters for your zone, and within a […]