Geo Zones Tab

GEO Zones give you the ability to deliver different IP Addresses to visitors based on geography. For example, you may have servers in Europe and the United States. GEO Zones can let you direct the same host name of to different locations. For a visitor in London, they can be given an IP address […]

Quick Start Video: How to use GEO DNS

In this Quick Start Video, we’ll give you a basic overview of GEO DNS and how you can use it to direct visitors to different IP addresses based on their origin geography. Coupled with DNS Failover and Cloud Load Balancing, GEO DNS is an extremely powerful tool as part of Total Uptime Technologies’ complete Cloud-Based […]

GEO DNS – A Quick Start Video

  In this Quick Start Video, we’ll give you a basic overview of GEO DNS and how you can use it to direct visitors to different IP addresses based on their origin geography. Coupled with DNS Failover and Cloud Load Balancing, GEO DNS is an extremely powerful tool as part of Total Uptime Technologies’ complete […]

Cloud Platform Release v22.4.0

Today we released cloud platform version 22.4.0 which includes a number of bug fixes and feature improvements. Below is a list of the most notable changes you will find in this release. Monitors In Use: We finally released a long-awaited feature that now shows where custom monitors are used. The Monitors table for DNS or […]

Cloud Platform Release v21.11.1

Over the last couple of months we’ve been working hard to bring new features and improvements to the cloud platform. Version 21.11.1 was released today. Below is a list of the most notable changes and bug fixes included in this release. DNS Importing: We continue to improve the DNS importing process to recognize different zone […]

Retrieve Location Information

Method:              POST URI:                      /ALF/Firewall/ConnectionMonitor/GeoInfo This method retrieves detailed geo location information. It requires that the following parameters be posted in order to successfully retrieve the location information. Field Sample data SourceIP “string” countryCode “string” country “string” region “string” regionName “string” city “string” zip “string” lat […]

Notable Network and Cloud Outages of 2021

There are hundreds of cloud and network provider outages every week, more than anyone ever realizes. To help convey the sheer volume of cloud provider and network provider outages, we’ve compiled this running post of the most notable ones in 2021 so far with a primary focus on North American providers, but coverage across the […]

Can I bring my own IPs / can you announce my subnets?

The answer is yes! Periodically we’re asked if customers can announce their own IP space / subnets on our platform. The answer is yes. We will need an LOA (Letter of Authorization) for your IP space, and it will need to be registered with any of the RIRs (Regional Internet Registries) like ARIN, RIPE, etc. […]

Anycast Hosting Made Easy

Total Uptime can make any device hosted in any cloud or data center anywhere anycast enabled in minutes! Even though we don’t offer infrastructure (servers, virtual machines etc.) directly, we give you the power to build the anycast hosting environment you want. Our ADC-as-a-Service plans each come with a dedicated IPv4 and IPv6 address (virtual […]