Update a Server

Method:              POST URI:                      /ALF/Server/{ServerId} This method updates an existing server. It accepts the following information: Field Required data *Name The name of your server. E.g. “Server 1” *IPAddress The publicly accessible IP address of your server. E.g. “” Note: […]

Add a Server

Method:              POST URI:                      /ALF/Server This method adds a new server to your company account only (it does not add it to a server group or failover group or otherwise add it to any pack). It accepts the following information: […]

CNAME and MX for the same host name

Q: Why is it not possible to have a CNAME and MX record for the same host name? For example, test.example.com cannot be both a CNAME and an MX record at the same time. A: Unfortunately, what you’re running into is a limitation of the DNS specification. According to RFC 1034 “If a CNAME RR […]

Server Hardening for Security and Availability

Server hardening is a necessary process. And it’s a never-ending one. From the moment you pull the machine out of the box (or create it in the virtual environment), it pays to be thinking about security. But server hardening can do more than keep your machine safe. It will help with performance, and it can […]

Creating Servers/Devices using a FQDN

In the version 3.10 release of our cloud platform, we introduced support for creating back-end devices (servers) using a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) instead of an IP address. While it is always best to use an IP address instead of a domain name, there are some instances where a FQDN is the only option, […]

Can server UP/DOWN alerts be sent as an SMS or Text Message to my phone?

Yes, if you want to receive alert messages to your phone as an SMS or Text Message, you need to do two things. First, you need to create an alert list. Secondly, you need to edit your user profile and add a mobile number. To access your user profile, click the ACCOUNT link in the […]

Do you support SAN (Subject Alternative Name) extension SSL Certificates?

Yes, we absolutely do, and always have. Before we supported SNI, we recommended that clients with multiple domains on a single IP address use a SAN (Subject Alternative Name) extension certificate. To use one of these, simply attach it as a standard SSL certificate (that is, do not check the SNI box when attaching it). […]

What’s the difference between a CNAME and a Web Redirect?

In this KB article we’ll address a common question we receive about the difference between a CNAME and a Web Redirect (also referred to as a URL redirect). Both serve entirely unique purposes, so it is important to understand the differences so you know which to use at the right time. First about CNAME records […]

How do I create an Alert List to notify me when a server is up or down?

Our DNS Failover monitoring and Cloud Networking solutions (e.g. Load Balancing, firewall) have the ability to send email alerts when devices go up or down. In order to create an alert list and assign it to your failover pool, follow these steps: Go to the ACCOUNT link in the upper-right corner of the management portal. […]