Remove a Device from Port Map Group

Method:              PUT URI:                       /ALF/ServerGroup/{ServerGroupId}/RemoveServer/{ServerId} This method will remove an existing device from a port map group. Removing a device from a port map group does not delete the device, it will continue to exist.  

Change Device Status

Method:              PUT URI:                       /ALF/ServerGroup/ToggleServerStatus/{ServerGroupid}/{ServerId}/{waitTimeSecs}/{gracefulShutDown}/{isEnabled} This method allows you to change the device status.

Update Device Weight

Method:              PUT URI:                       /ALF/ServerGroup/updateServerWeight/{ServerGroupId}/{ServerId}/{Weight} This method allows you to change the device weight. This will only take effect if you have multiple devices within the server group.

Device Status Tab

Not interested in reading the manual? We cover the essentials in a video at the bottom of this page! The Server Status tab displays a history of UP and DOWN status events for devices that are part of DNS Failover Pool and/or are used in Networking (e.g. Cloud Load Balancing, Firewall, etc.) Every time a […]

Creating Servers/Devices using a FQDN

In the version 3.10 release of our cloud platform, we introduced support for creating back-end devices (servers) using a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) instead of an IP address. While it is always best to use an IP address instead of a domain name, there are some instances where a FQDN is the only option, […]

A comprehensive guide to using device weights in the load balancer

The device “weight” select menu shown at the far right of your server or device within a Server Group allows you to adjust how traffic is distributed by the load balancer when you have two or more devices in a configuration. In essence, the higher the number, the heavier the weight, and the more traffic […]

How many monitor types do you support for detecting the status of a device?

MONITORS OVERVIEW The Cloud Networking system supports a very large subset of monitors from something as simple as a ping to something more complex as a DNS record lookup or even an HTTP Post that looks for specific content on the return. Configuring the correct monitor is essential to properly detecting outages for devices. Below […]

Cloud Platform Release v23.7.0

Today we released a number of updates to our platform. Below are the details of these exciting enhancements. DNS Zone/Domain Restoration Feature: A significant feature released with this update is the ability to restore entire domains or even specific records within a domain to their prior state. On occasion a user will accidentally delete a […]

Cloud Platform Release v22.12.0

Today we released cloud platform version 22.12.0 which includes a number of bug fixes and feature improvements. Below is a list of the most notable changes you will find in this release. DNS Reporting: We significantly improved the DNS Reporting UI as well as back-end systems that generate statistical data. The UI now generates data […]

Cloud Platform Release v22.4.0

Today we released cloud platform version 22.4.0 which includes a number of bug fixes and feature improvements. Below is a list of the most notable changes you will find in this release. Monitors In Use: We finally released a long-awaited feature that now shows where custom monitors are used. The Monitors table for DNS or […]