How to troubleshoot application timeout issues

Occasionally certain applications that proxy through the ADC-as-a-Service platform will encounter timeout issues. This happens primarily with long-lived connections, such as file downloads over http (TCP port 80) or https (TCP port 443) as well as SSH or SFTP connections, typically over TCP port 22. Solving these timeout issues is generally pretty simple, but diagnosing […]

Do you support DNSSEC?

Yes, Total Uptime Cloud DNS fully supports Domain Name Security Extensions (DNSSEC). You can find the full details on DNSSEC Implementation here. What is DNSSEC? DNSSEC (Domain Name Security Extensions) is an enhancement to standard DNS which has been around for a long time. It enhances DNS by creating a secure chain of trust and […]

Can I create a wildcard NS record?

Yes. While NS records do support the wildcard character, an asterisk (*), it is important to be careful when using this character to avoid sending untended traffic to another name server. For example, if you create a pair of NS records for to point to a name server what you’ve essentially done is […]

Cloud Platform Release v21.3.0

Our development team spent the last several weeks working hard to knock out a number of annoying bugs and enhancing features. This is a fairly significant platform update that also improves platform reliability and stability too. We think you’ll like what you see! New Rate Limiting Feature: We added a highly sought-after feature to ADC-as-a-Service […]

Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB)

What is it? And how can you implement it? SHORTCUT: If you just want to get to the part about configuring GSLB in the Total Uptime panel, skip to it here! Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) or GEO Load Balancing is in hot demand, perhaps now more than ever before. Placing content as close as […]

How Does DNS Failover Work?

Total Uptime’s DNS Failover automation is a powerful way of increasing availability for any type of web-based service or application that is accessible via multiple IP addresses. Some examples include: An application behind two or more different ISP links Two or more servers at the same or different sites Two or more cloud or hosting […]

Notable Cloud Outages of 2020

Periodically we talk to someone who says something along the lines of: “we don’t need Total Uptime since we moved to the cloud.” A most interesting statement that is simply the result of someone misinformed about the benefits and capabilities of cloud. Does the cloud provide incredible flexibility? Yes! Does it let you provision services […]

Cloud Platform Release v20.12.0

Between November 25th and and December 29th platform updates are placed on hold in order to minimize any impact to customers who rely on the holiday season for a significant portion of their revenue. So November and the vast majority of December didn’t see any significant changes released. But we were still working hard behind-the-scenes […]

Cloud Platform Release v20.9.0

September’s release includes the usual bug fixes (many of which we do not list since they are minor, and often customer’s haven’t found them yet) plus other features and enhancements. Here are the major items included in this code update. Dashboard Widget Values: We corrected a bug for the dashboard widgets where they would occasionally […]

Cloud Platform Release v20.7.0

Our July release includes the following bug fixes, new features as well as enhancements. Caching & Optimization – Route Optimization: We released further updates to our new Route Optimization feature allowing customers to choose between the default Hot Potato routing or Cold Potato alternative for improved performance across the Total Uptime backbone. Trial Platform: We […]