Those Vulnerable 3rd-Party Web Services

Just when you think things are getting safer on the web, somebody comes up with a startling claim and spoils your party: “Our analysis paints a somewhat bleak situation on the state of modern web ecosystem.” That’s the conclusion of a 2016 study conducted by Carnegie Mellon University. The full title is worth noting: Oh, […]

Global Internet Tracking Sites

As much as we like data, it’s very easy to become lost in it. But what if you could see the whole picture? That’s the idea behind internet tracking dashboards. They come in all shapes and sizes. Some are used only to demonstrate the global reach of internet security services, while others can provide useful, […]

Data Backup Is Not Optional

As with most information technologies, the concept of data backup is as deep as it is broad. That is to say, there are many dimensions and facets to the backup of data, and you can spend anywhere from a few days to a few months trying to get a handle on it. A definition is […]

Zero Day Exploit Protection

They say what you don’t know can’t hurt you — but that’s not really true. One example is a zero-day exploit. This is a network vulnerability that hasn’t been identified yet, at least not by the people who need to fix it. These IT professionals have zero days to fix the problem because they don’t […]

Protocol Anomaly Detection

It’s late at night and you’re walking to your car after attending a community event. Your car is still a block away. As you walk, you scan the scene before you. Something is just not right, you say to yourself. On the dark sidewalk ahead of you, you see two silhouettes. They are moving about, […]

And You Thought Your Transactions Were Safe: SSL Based Attacks

Your plaintext internet traffic is subject to attack. You already knew this.  And it probably won’t surprise you to learn that your encrypted internet traffic is also vulnerable. It’s an unfortunate situation. Carl Herberger, Radware’s VP for Security Solutions, says that the prospect of SSL-based attacks “makes a folly of our existing security infrastructure”. The […]

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Exploits

JavaScript is a dandy programming language. And it’s very popular. A report from W3Techs shows that 94.7% of all websites surveyed used JavaScript. But it’s also vulnerable to a top web application hack called cross-site scripting (XSS). Unlike SQL injection, which targets the server side, XSS goes directly for unsuspecting web users. XSS injects malicious […]

Network Availability – Is it Important to you?

Alright, we admit that our company has a certain obsession with network availability we collectively call “uptime”. It’s even in our name. We’re totally committed to keeping services up and running for our clients. And while uptime is our best friend, we seem to spend a lot of time thinking about the enemy:  downtime. We’ve […]

Multicloud Adoption

There is plenty of evidence that businesses large and small are adopting a multicloud strategy. Case in point is a white paper produced by IDC entitled “Adopting Multicloud — A Fact-Based Blueprint for Reducing Enterprise Business Risks”. IDC is a global provider of market intelligence about IT and telecom. The report tells us that the […]

Leading Causes of Downtime

IT systems go down for a lot of reasons. Some downtime causes are obvious, while others take some time to understand. And still others are just plain comical. In this article we’ll have a look at different approaches to assigning blame for outages, and we’ll offer a short list of our own. The concept of downtime applies […]