Add A User

You can add a user by clicking on the “Add” button.  You will see this screen displayed to add your user’s details with:  Fields with an asterisk (*) are required fields Company Name*: Select which company or sub-company the user is being created under from the drop-down list. First Name*: User’s first name. Last Name*: […]

Account Admin

Not interested in reading the manual? We cover the essentials in a video at the bottom of this page! This section covers the “account” link in the upper-right corner of the interface. It allows you to manage your company information, including contact information, authorized users and which roles they are assigned to.  You can purchase IP […]

Total Uptime APIv2.0 Overview

Total Uptime provides a comprehensive API that gives access to every aspect of our platform including products such as Cloud DNS and Networking Solutions as well as Account and product management features. The API is built using RESTful principles. XML and JSON are supported as responses to API calls. The current API version is 2.0, […]

What is The Cloud? A Technical Explanation

The Cloud – we hear that phrase thrown around a lot.  It is obviously a special place because nearly every company wants to go there, probably because we hear how wonderful everything works in the cloud.  Those who go there are promised a great deal of cost savings as well.  No wonder everyone is talking […]

Version 3.9 of the Total Uptime Cloud Platform Released

Today we released version 3.9 of our cloud platform which includes a few new feature enhancements, especially to the cloud load balancer, as well as the usual bug fix or two. Below is a summary of the most notable. General System/Account Changes: Maintenance Windows: We added a new feature that allows you to suppress alerting during […]

Multi Site Exchange DAG Failover – Solving WAN IP Availability

So you decided to deploy a high availability Microsoft Exchange environment.  You created a Database Availability Group for the databases on the Mailbox servers, carefully thought out the mailbox server roles and even deployed multiple Client Access Servers at two different sites with a nice WAN connection between them for timely synchronization. Your Exchange DR […]

Creating a new Company / Sub-Company / Department / Division etc.

Here are step-by-step instructions for creating a Company within/under your company. This can be a sub-company for a client, a department or division that needs to manage their own account, a way to delegate domain management to someone else, or just a way of keeping things locked down for security purposes. After logging into the […]

The Top 5 Things to Look for in a DNS Service Provider

At Total Uptime, we’re often asked how we compare to other DNS service providers. Since every business has a different set of requirements, we thought we’d compile a list of the top 5 reasons some of our customers have chosen Total Uptime Cloud DNS vs. other solution providers who may also offer DNS services. Evaluate these items […]

Version 3.1.1 of our Cloud Platform released

Version 3.1.1 of our Cloud Platform was released today which includes a long list of little bugs and features we’ve wanted to push out for a long time. Now that these are out of the way, we can focus on the bigger features our customers’ have been asking for. Dashboard: We added an announcement section so […]

Account Management – A Quick Start Video

  Watch this video to understand the functionality found in the Account section of the Total Uptime cloud management portal. Here you’ll learn how to modify company information, add/edit and delete users, create roles & security groupings, alert lists and much more.