Update Server Weight

Method:              PUT URI:                      /ALF/ServerGroup/UpdateServerWeight/{ServerGroupid}/{ServerId}/{Weight} This method allows you to change the server weight. By default, newly added servers are given a weight of 1. The higher the weight, the greater percentage of traffic the server will receive. Weights cannot […]

Update Device Weight

Method:              PUT URI:                       /ALF/ServerGroup/updateServerWeight/{ServerGroupId}/{ServerId}/{Weight} This method allows you to change the device weight. This will only take effect if you have multiple devices within the server group.

Do you offer Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB)?

Yes, we definitely do, but we offer a more accurate modern version of GSLB. We have a pretty extensive GSLB blog post about our implementation and how you can achieve various proximity-based routing concepts in the Total Uptime panel. Traditional GSLB uses DNS to make routing decisions. That is, it uses an IP address table […]

Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB)

What is it? And how can you implement it? SHORTCUT: If you just want to get to the part about configuring GSLB in the Total Uptime panel, skip to it here! Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) or GEO Load Balancing is in hot demand, perhaps now more than ever before. Placing content as close as […]

A comprehensive guide to using device weights in the load balancer

The device “weight” select menu shown at the far right of your server or device within a Server Group allows you to adjust how traffic is distributed by the load balancer when you have two or more devices in a configuration. In essence, the higher the number, the heavier the weight, and the more traffic […]

Cloud Availability Platform v18.1.0

Today we released version 18.1.0 of our cloud platform after many months of hard work on our part, and anticipation on yours. While there are over 120 bug fixes, feature enhancements and changes, the biggest change you will see is the new skin. It was time to update the look and feel of the UI, […]

Version 3.9 of the Total Uptime Cloud Platform Released

Today we released version 3.9 of our cloud platform which includes a few new feature enhancements, especially to the cloud load balancer, as well as the usual bug fix or two. Below is a summary of the most notable. General System/Account Changes: Maintenance Windows: We added a new feature that allows you to suppress alerting during […]

Version 3.7 of our Cloud Platform released

Today we released another update to our cloud platform. Our latest update includes additional SSL enhancements as well as back-end improvements to the way we monitor customer devices and route traffic around congestion on the Internet. Here are the most notable changes and bug fixes in this version:   General System/Account Changes: User Primary Email: We […]

Cloud Platform Release v21.11.1

Over the last couple of months we’ve been working hard to bring new features and improvements to the cloud platform. Version 21.11.1 was released today. Below is a list of the most notable changes and bug fixes included in this release. DNS Importing: We continue to improve the DNS importing process to recognize different zone […]

How to Enable HTTP/2 Support

Enabling HTTP/2 support is quite easy in the Total Uptime ADC-as-a-Service platform. In fact, if you’ve deployed SSL within the last few years, then HTTP/2 support is probably already active and ready to go on your packs in addition to HTTP/1.1. In this article we’ll discuss a little bit about the history and benefits of […]