Retrieve All Unassigned IPv6 Addresses

Method:              GET URI:                      /Account/IPAddress/v6/Unused/All This method will retrieve all of the unused IP IPv6 Addresses in your account, if any. An IP address ID is required when publishing your pack. The parameters allow you to refine the results retrieved from the API. They must be […]

Create a Geo Zone IPv4 Pool

Method:              POST URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool This method will create a new Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Parameter Description GeoZonePoolName “string” DefaultServerIP “string” ALFPacId “string” FailoverPoolId “string”  

Delete a Geo Zone IPv4 Pool

Method:              DELETE URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool/{geoZoneIPv4PoolId} This method will remove a Geo Zone IPv4 Pool

Modify Geo Zone IPv4 Pool

Method:              PUT URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool This method will create a new Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Parameter Data Type GeoZonePoolName “string” DefaultServerIP “string” ALFPacId “string” FailoverPoolId “string”  

Create Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entry

Method:              POST URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool/{geoZoneIPv4PoolId}/Entry This method will create a new Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entry Parameter Description EntryZoneName “string” GeoZonePoolId “string” GeoZonePoolName “string” ALFPacId “string” FailoverPoolId “string”  

Remove Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entry

Method:              DELETE URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool/{geoZoneIPv4PoolId}/Entry/{entryId} This method will remove a Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entry

Modify Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entry

Method:              PUT URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool/{geoZoneIPv4PoolId}/Entry/{entryId} This method will modify a Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entry. Parameter Description EntryZoneName “string” GeoZonePoolId “string” GeoZonePoolName “string” ALFPacId “string” FailoverPoolId “string”  

Retrieve all Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entries

Method:              GET URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool/{geoZoneIPv4PoolId}/Entry/All This method will return all Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entries within a Geo Zone, if they exist. The {options} allow you to refine the results retrieved from the API. They must be formatted as a query string, e.g. if you use more than one, the 2nd one onwards should be preceded […]

Retrieve all Geo Zone IPv4 Pools

Method:              GET URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool/All This method will return all Geo Zone IPv4 Pools within the account, including all sub-companies, if they exist. The {options} allow you to refine the results retrieved from the API. They must be formatted as a query string, e.g. if you use more than one, the 2nd one onwards should be […]

Create Geo Zone IPv6 Pool

Method:              POST URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv6Pool This method will create a new Geo Zone IPv6 Pool Parameter Description GeoZoneIPV6PoolName “string” DefaultServerIP “string” ALFPacId “string” FailoverPoolId “string”