Creating a new Company / Sub-Company / Department / Division etc.

Here are step-by-step instructions for creating a Company within/under your company. This can be a sub-company for a client, a department or division that needs to manage their own account, a way to delegate domain management to someone else, or just a way of keeping things locked down for security purposes. After logging into the […]

Do you support a 2048 bit (or higher) Domain Key (DKIM)?

More and more organizations are moving from the shorter 384, 512 and 768-bit keys up to 1024 and higher in order to protect against spoofing because the smaller keys are easier to crack. Our DNS system intuitively supports a 2048-bit key and larger. Simply paste it into the TXT record and hit save. Our back-end […]

Heartbleed Bug / Vulnerability

We’ve been receiving a lot of inquiries regarding the Heartbleed Bug, a vulnerability in the popular Open SSL cryptographic software library. Simply put as described at, “The Heartbleed bug allows anyone on the internet to read the memory of systems protected by the vulnerable versions of the OpenSSL software. This compromises the secret keys used […]

5 Things We Do That AWS Route 53 Does Not

Total Uptime’s DNS Service along with our DNS Failover solution are often compared to Amazon Route 53, and for good reason. Organizations are increasingly looking for a reliable DNS provider in light of frequent outages at various Domain Registrars like Network Solutions. IT experts understand that because DNS is the first link in the chain, it must be the […]

Moving DNS zones from another DNS provider to Total Uptime

DNS domains (called “zones”) can be moved from any platform to Total Uptime’s DNS platform easily and without impact to end users. In this article, we will outline the steps required to ensure a smooth, zero-impact migration. There are 4 simple steps… Here are the steps required to migrate zones from your current DNS provider/infrastructure to ours. […]

SPF Records – creating and testing

As a DNS service provider, we frequently receive requests from customers who need assistance with understanding and creating SPF records. This short article outlines a few helpful steps that will hopefully make life easier for some. First, what is an SPF record anyway? Well, Wikipedia sums it up nicely: SPF (Sender Policy Framework) is an email […]