
Welcome to the online manual. Here you will find a comprehensive guide to our entire management panel.

Manual failover in the Cloud Load Balancer

A question we frequently receive is: “How can I manually fail traffic over from my primary server to my failover server group in the Cloud Load Balancer?” Manually failing over traffic is something you may wish to do if your primary server is experiencing issues that the monitor has not yet detected, or if you […]

Do you support manual failover for DNS?

Yes, our DNS failover service was designed to easily support manual failover. Often customers wish to test their failover site on a periodic basis, or they wish to redirect traffic during a maintenance window. To do this within the portal, open up the Failover Entry, and simply uncheck the “Active” checkbox as shown below. This will immediately […]

WAF Log Tab

Not interested in reading the manual? We cover the essentials in a video at the bottom of this page! If you subscribe to Web Application and API Protection, you’ll see the WAF Log tab. Here, we provide a visual overview of all traffic hitting your packs. At the top, you can choose the time range […]

How to Manage User Password Requirements

The Total Uptime panel gives you the ability to manage several aspects of your end-user’s passwords. In this article we’ll cover all of the basics. Many of the settings we are talking about here are controlled via the Company Edit dialog. You can find this by clicking the gear/cog icon in the upper-right corner of […]

How Fast is DNS Failover?

We’re often asked how quickly an ‘A’ or ‘AAAA’ record controlled by a DNS Failover pool can update across the internet. TLDR: 2.5 minutes is about as fast as it can go. If you’re curious how we came up with this number, here’s the backstory on how it all works. DNS Failover update speed is […]

Anycast Hosting Made Easy

Total Uptime can make any device hosted in any cloud or data center anywhere anycast enabled in minutes! Even though we don’t offer infrastructure (servers, virtual machines etc.) directly, we give you the power to build the anycast hosting environment you want. Our ADC-as-a-Service plans each come with a dedicated IPv4 and IPv6 address (virtual […]

Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB)

What is it? And how can you implement it? SHORTCUT: If you just want to get to the part about configuring GSLB in the Total Uptime panel, skip to it here! Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) or GEO Load Balancing is in hot demand, perhaps now more than ever before. Placing content as close as […]

How Does DNS Failover Work?

Total Uptime’s DNS Failover automation is a powerful way of increasing availability for any type of web-based service or application that is accessible via multiple IP addresses. Some examples include: An application behind two or more different ISP links Two or more servers at the same or different sites Two or more cloud or hosting […]

Cloud Platform Release v20.5.0

Our awesome development team has been stuck at home for the last several weeks due to COVID-19 and have worked very hard to add a lot of new functionality and address a few bugs. Below you’ll find a summary of the most important updates included in this version: GEO Weighting: We released a long awaited […]