Cipher Groups

Here is a list of the ciphers in each group available for use in our networking tools. These are subject to change, so please check back periodically. Last updated June 27, 2019 As of 12/16/2019, to achieve a Grade A with the SSL Labs test, you need to choose cipher group High or MAX. Low […]

An Introduction to Form Field Manipulation

You use web forms all the time. All across the internet, you are called upon to give certain information about yourself in order to access a site, use an application, or purchase a product. And the truth is most of us have become more open to these kinds of interactions as we have become immersed […]

Cookie Manipulation and Poisoning

Everybody loves cookies. They’re hard to resist — sweet and delicious. So why is something as flavorless as a computer cookie blessed with the same name? You can blame Lou Monulli. He created the technology for Netscape Communications and received a patent for it in 1998. In the beginning, nobody knew that cookies were being […]

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Exploits

JavaScript is a dandy programming language. And it’s very popular. A report from W3Techs shows that 94.7% of all websites surveyed used JavaScript. But it’s also vulnerable to a top web application hack called cross-site scripting (XSS). Unlike SQL injection, which targets the server side, XSS goes directly for unsuspecting web users. XSS injects malicious […]

Internet Load Balancing and Failover for Multiple ISP Links

Controlling traffic is a key facet of internet management. Sometimes primary connections will go down. Or too much traffic may cause congested links or overwhelmed devices to become unusable. We wrote about the implementation of load balancing in the cloud in a 2017 blog post. When people think of load balancing, they usually think about traffic that […]

Search Subscriptions

If you find yourself with many sub-companies and are challenged with locating a specific sub-company to view, you can find it by using the “Search” button. Select the FIELD you’d like to search in the first box, HOW to search in the second box and enter the string you’d like to search FOR in the […]

Edit Subscriptions

To edit a company’s available options, first select the company you’d like to edit from the available list and then click the Edit button once.  You will be presented with the following screen, which will allow you to select or unselect the options you wish to enable/disable.  Your invoice will reflect any pricing differences between […]

Search for Allowed IP

If you find yourself with many roles and are challenged with locating a specific role to view, you can find it by using the “Search” button. Select the FIELD you’d like to search in the first box, HOW to search in the second box and enter the string you’d like to search FOR in the […]

Add Allowed IP

Allowed IP addresses are applied to Security Roles, not to specific users or companies. By default the table is empty, which allows any IP address access to both the UI and API. As soon as you specify your first IP address, only it will be allowed to log in and all others will be blocked. When you […]

Subscriptions Tab

Not interested in reading the manual? We cover the essentials in a video at the bottom of this page! This section allows you to control which products or solutions your company is subscribed to. If you wish to subscribe to another solution, simply enable it here. NOTE: Additional costs may be incurred. If you are […]