New feature: DNS Change Alerting

DNS Security starts with knowledge We recently released a new feature that will help DNS admins stay in the know. It helps by actively monitoring your DNS zone within the Total Uptime DNS platform and alerts you every time a change is made. For organizations with mission critical DNS, knowing when anyone has made a […]

Enterprise DNS – Is it really that important?

Quick, name the most important server in your network – Web server? Active Directory server? Mail server?   Those are all important no doubt, but your DNS servers are probably the most critical to your network operations.  Imagine you were traveling within a foreign country you had never visited before and the area was totally […]

What is DNS Tunneling?

DNS tunneling is a misuse of DNS. Domain Name Servers (DNS) have been called the internet’s equivalent of a phone book. Rather than remembering an IP address with up to twelve digits, you just need to know the domain name associated with the IP address. DNS tunneling attempts to hijack the protocol to use it […]

Primary DNS or Secondary DNS?

A frequently asked question at Total Uptime is whether to use our cloud DNS platform for Primary DNS or Secondary DNS. Prior to answering that question, we should probably first define the difference between the two, and then the benefits of choosing to use Total Uptime for one over the other. Primary DNS is generally the DNS server […]

The Top 5 Things to Look for in a DNS Service Provider

At Total Uptime, we’re often asked how we compare to other DNS service providers. Since every business has a different set of requirements, we thought we’d compile a list of the top 5 reasons some of our customers have chosen Total Uptime Cloud DNS vs. other solution providers who may also offer DNS services. Evaluate these items […]

What are the key differences between DNS FAILOVER and CLOUD FAILOVER so I can better understand which one is right for my application?

The similarities Both solutions require that you tell us what the IP address(es) are for your ‘real servers’. That way we know how to alter DNS or route traffic when one or more servers go up or down.  These IP addresses must be publicly accessible, not private. Also, both solutions use the same type of […]

Round Robin DNS Load Balancing

Round Robin DNS is a fast, simple and cost effective way to load balance or distribute traffic evenly over multiple servers or devices. Total Uptime Cloud DNS fully supports round robin DNS on all record types except CNAME. DNS allows you to create multiple records with the same host name but a different destination. By doing so, […]

DDNS – Dynamic DNS Service – Hype?

It seems there is a lot of demand for DDNS – Dynamic DNS Service. If you pop “DDNS” into Google, you’ll be surprised with the listing of articles you’ll find (including a Wikipedia one) describing what dynamic DNS is and how it can be beneficial to you when hosting servers behind IP addresses that frequently and […]

A Hosted DNS Server Service – Is it right for you?

Running a high-availability hosted DNS Server Service is not a trivial task. DNS is vital to the operation and success of the Internet yet it is an often-overlooked component that is usually taken for granted. What seems so simple on the surface can create so many issues when it malfunctions. Using a Free DNS Service Most small […]

Secondary DNS – A Viable Backup Solution?

With GoDaddy’s unfortunate DNS outage on September 10th, we received an enormous number of inquiries about our DNS services. A frequently asked question was whether or not Total Uptime could provide secondary or backup DNS services for disaster recovery. The quick answer is “yes”, we can definitely provide this commonly implemented DNS backup solution, but we thought […]