Cloud Platform Release v19.3.0

Posted on April 25, 2019

Today we released version 19.3.0 of our UI and API. This is considered a minor release and includes the following bug fixes and features:

  • SSL Certificates: We now allow users to edit the name of certificates, keys and pairs after uploading them. Previously the name set during upload was unchangeable.
  • SSL Certificates: We now extract the Common Name (Subject) and expiration date of SSL certificates during upload and store those values in the database, presenting them in the UI and via the API. This was a highly sought-after feature to help reduce errors with expirations and mismatched names. Of course, only SSL certs uploaded on April 25th and later will begin showing this information.
  • Secondary DNS: We squashed a bug where if the master IP for a secondary zone was changed, it was not properly pushed to our DNS servers.
  • Networking: We reduced the need for a “push changes” action when Packs are published after being unpublished, reducing time to deployment and unnecessary back-end work.
  • Change Log: We made the change log (visible in the account section) available to Networking customers. It was originally created for DNS customers, but over the recent months was expanded to include most changes made in the networking section as well, and now it is available for customers subscribing to networking solutions (Load Balancer, WAF etc.) to view and search.
  • DNS NAPTR: We modified the validation for the NAPTR record to correct a bug where we were not allowing it to point to SRV records.