Prevent X-Forwarded-For Spoofing or Manipulation

When using an inline proxy like our ADC-as-a-Service or Web Application and API Protection service, you’ll often want to know the original client IP address for security, to track in your logs for stats or for other reasons. In our KB article entitled Getting the original client IP with X-Forwarded-For in your code, we’ve already discussed […]

Cloud Platform Release v21.12.0

Today we released cloud platform version 21.12.0 which includes a new WAN Optimization feature as well as a few bug fixes. Below is a list of the most notable changes you will find in this release. WAN Optimization: We released a new feature today to help improve network throughput across the ADC-as-a-Service platform where large […]

How to create an SPF record

What is SPF? Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is a protocol designed to help combat forged email. It allows the owner of a domain to specify which hosts are authorized to send email from that domain. Full details can be found in RFC 7208. How does SPF work? Domain owners publish SPF records in the Domain […]

Attack of the Botnet Zombies

There have been plenty of zombie movies over the past few years. The plots are similar — the undead stalk the living — and the productions are generally not Oscar material. But somehow the threat hits a nerve with the general public. To illustrate a threat of a different kind, let’s come up with a […]

Getting the original client IP with X-Forwarded-For in your code

If you’re like many of our clients, you not only want to retrieve the original client IP for your web server logs, but you want to use them in code as well… for example, to track invalid login attempts, or record the IP in a database for online payments etc. (NOTE: If you need the […]

Do you support a 2048 bit (or higher) Domain Key (DKIM)?

More and more organizations are moving from the shorter 384, 512 and 768-bit keys up to 1024 and higher in order to protect against spoofing because the smaller keys are easier to crack. Our DNS system intuitively supports a 2048-bit key and larger. Simply paste it into the TXT record and hit save. Our back-end […]

SPF Records – creating and testing

As a DNS service provider, we frequently receive requests from customers who need assistance with understanding and creating SPF records. This short article outlines a few helpful steps that will hopefully make life easier for some. First, what is an SPF record anyway? Well, Wikipedia sums it up nicely: SPF (Sender Policy Framework) is an email […]