Retrieve All Domains with Geo Zone

Method:              GET URI:                      /CloudDNS/Domain/GeoZoneInfo/All This method will return all domains with geo zone within the account, including all sub-companies, if they exist. The parameters allow you to refine the results retrieved from the API. They must be formatted as a query string, e.g. if you […]

Create a Geo Zone IPv4 Pool

Method:              POST URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool This method will create a new Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Parameter Description GeoZonePoolName “string” DefaultServerIP “string” ALFPacId “string” FailoverPoolId “string”  

Delete a Geo Zone IPv4 Pool

Method:              DELETE URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool/{geoZoneIPv4PoolId} This method will remove a Geo Zone IPv4 Pool

Modify Geo Zone IPv4 Pool

Method:              PUT URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool This method will create a new Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Parameter Data Type GeoZonePoolName “string” DefaultServerIP “string” ALFPacId “string” FailoverPoolId “string”  

Create Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entry

Method:              POST URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool/{geoZoneIPv4PoolId}/Entry This method will create a new Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entry Parameter Description EntryZoneName “string” GeoZonePoolId “string” GeoZonePoolName “string” ALFPacId “string” FailoverPoolId “string”  

Remove Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entry

Method:              DELETE URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool/{geoZoneIPv4PoolId}/Entry/{entryId} This method will remove a Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entry

Modify Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entry

Method:              PUT URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool/{geoZoneIPv4PoolId}/Entry/{entryId} This method will modify a Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entry. Parameter Description EntryZoneName “string” GeoZonePoolId “string” GeoZonePoolName “string” ALFPacId “string” FailoverPoolId “string”  

Retrieve all Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entries

Method:              GET URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool/{geoZoneIPv4PoolId}/Entry/All This method will return all Geo Zone IPv4 Pool Entries within a Geo Zone, if they exist. The {options} allow you to refine the results retrieved from the API. They must be formatted as a query string, e.g. if you use more than one, the 2nd one onwards should be preceded […]

Retrieve all Geo Zone IPv4 Pools

Method:              GET URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv4Pool/All This method will return all Geo Zone IPv4 Pools within the account, including all sub-companies, if they exist. The {options} allow you to refine the results retrieved from the API. They must be formatted as a query string, e.g. if you use more than one, the 2nd one onwards should be […]

Create Geo Zone IPv6 Pool

Method:              POST URI:                       /CloudDNS/GeoZone/IPv6Pool This method will create a new Geo Zone IPv6 Pool Parameter Description GeoZoneIPV6PoolName “string” DefaultServerIP “string” ALFPacId “string” FailoverPoolId “string”